Friday, October 28, 2011

A Message Of Hope

Do you have a tiny booklet called the Novena to God’s Love? In it, you are asked to write down seven dreams, your heart’s fondest wishes, and are encouraged to pray for it daily.

Last Thursday’s speaker, Bro. Jan Silan, requested everyone to bring out their novenas. He asked if the Feast attendees believed that their novena prayers would be fulfilled. The “yeses” were not too loud at first. He asked again. By his repeated question, everyone was reminded that God does not forget His promises. The answer was a louder “yes” the second time around.

He shared about his parents’ dreams. His dad’s dream was obvious – every time a Toyota Altis passes by, he will lift his hand toward the car’s direction with an audible “Ahh.” But it didn’t seem likely they would be able to own an Altis soon because they couldn’t afford it. Of his mom’s seven dreams, the one that seems the most attainable is for her younger son to be able to graduate from college. The dream of a car and of being able to pay off debts seemed to be impossible dreams.

One day, her son confessed he wouldn’t be able to graduate as scheduled. She cried and railed against the Lord. Fresh from her crying bout, she met her husband at the door, to see that he drove home on a new Toyota Altis.

The Novena to God’s Love is a reminder that it is okay to hope. In fact, we should maintain a hopeful attitude if we believe that we have a big God. Hope is knowing God is with us. God has a plan. He promises to guide us, to remain beside us.

Happy people find treasure in their trials. In times of trials, we find comfort in our community, in our caring group. When it seems that nothing is happening, our character is being molded. Having undergone trials, we feel compassion for others and are moved to help them. Comfort, character and compassion are the treasures we find in our trials.

written by Gail Franco
Makati Feaster


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