"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name …"
Did you know that it will take you no more than 20 seconds to recite The Lord's Prayer? And, if we said it just once daily, it would take up not even half a minute of our precious time. This means, out of one whole hour, that's just 0.5% or an almost insignificant 0.02% of our whole day!
Yet, in its shortness, this prayer is so concise. I believe God made it this way because He does not want to complicate our lives. Think about it. The Ten Commandments can actually be summed up as: "Love Me, and love your neighbor."
God does not really want long and elaborate words when we come to Him in prayer. I am sure that sincerity and wholeheartedness count the most when we say our prayers.
Matthew 6 >> view complete article
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