Friday, September 23, 2011

Just Do It

“…your godly lives will speak to them without any words.  They will be won over” (1 Peter 3:1b NLT).

Many times, we try to “win” people over by telling them all about what we know or explain how they should act.  We may have good intentions and we really want to help people, but in reality, it’s the life that we live that will most probably convince them. It’s our life of excellence and integrity that speaks louder. This is the way we can get to the hearts of others.

In this particular scripture, Peter is talking to women who received salvation after they were married and had husbands who were not yet believers; but Peter’s  message still applies to every believer.  The first thing people should notice about us is our love, patience, kindness, gentleness, strength, and joy. When they see what Christ has done in our lives, they will want what we have. 

The Bible says it’s God’s kindness that leads people to repentance, not nagging.  So, let your light shine, be fun to hang around, be cool, be kind.  You are the salt of the earth. Make people thirsty for what you have. 

Behind the scenes, pray for their needs, pray that they will come to know Jesus and be ready to share the message of the gospel when the time is right.

It will take courage for you to do this. But “just do it.” Our hero for the day is Queen Esther. She allowed God to use her to save lives. It was tough but she “just did it.”

Remember, actions speak louder than words. Be an example of God’s love so you can effectively win others to Him! 

Randy Borromeo
Makati Feast Builder


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