In the 20th year of Artaxerxes, king of Persia, (445/444 BC), Nehemiah was cup-bearer to the king. Bothered upon learning that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down he asked the king for permission to return and rebuild them, and Artaxerxes sent him to Judah as governor of the province with a mission to rebuild the walls. Once there he defied the opposition of Judah's enemies on all sides - Samaritans, Ammonites, Arabs and Philistines - and rebuilt the walls within 52 days.
Nehemiah was disturbed by what he saw and heard about the walls of Jerusalem. He didn’t stop there. He did something about it. He got out of his comfort zone to accomplish what was not done in 150 years.
God’s word comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable. Like Nehemiah, God has put certain discomforts or burdens in our hearts. The question is what are we doing about it?
Tonight we will talk about our first hero for this series. Nehemiah. I pray that the lessons of his life will bring about the change that we need today. I pray that we may all see the miracle that is waiting to happen in our lives.
You too can be a hero like Nehemiah.
Randy Borromeo
Makati Feast Builder
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