It was just like yesterday and the days before. My hemorrhage relapsed.
I was diagnosed with endometriosis last May 25,2009. It’s a condition in which the tissue that behaves like the cells lining the uterus (endometrium) grows in other areas of the body, causing pain, irregular bleeding, and possible infertility. The tissue growth typically occurs in the pelvic area, outside of the uterus, on the ovaries, bowel, rectum, bladder, and the delicate lining of the pelvis. However, the implants can occur in other areas of the body, too. Mine was a globular 9 cm on the left ovary and so I immediately underwent major surgery last June 16,2009 at 10:00 am. The operation was satisfactory but their findings were not. The doctor found small implants in the other areas which cant be removed due to its close proximity with my intestine. The doctor had to make those small ones shrink and dry up.Thus came the injections and the uninterrupted bleeding for four straight months. It only stopped when i was switched to another therapy where i have to take 3 pills a day instead of what normal people take only once a day. The bleeding stopped for 2 months. The moment it came back, I was given a high dose of injection -same injection used for breast cancer and prostate cancer. Alas,no more bleeding. But the bone pain was so massive that I can't get out of my bed anymore. I became more afraid when it was recommended that I take pain reliever every 4hrs. honestly, I didn’t follow that and just hoped that I can endure the pain with a 6-hour gap of medicine. My doctor and I decided to stop the injections after 3 months of agonizing from bone pain.
June 2010 came and so was the second wave of my hemorrhage. It was like dead end for me. "What was life for?", I wondered. A month after,my seatmate at the Feast elbowed me to listen to the announcement. They were looking for writers. I responded with a text.
My first contribution was the THANK YOU,LORD section. Every week I would read hundreds of thanksgiving prayers from the files of Intercessory Ministry. How could I, who was hemorrhaging and penniless do that? It was assigned to me, that's why I have to do it. Every week, I would cry as I go through that list. Whether I like it or not, I have to utter -Thank You,Lord-. It was part of almost every sentence in that file. At first, it was just an assignment;later on it became part of me. I begun thanking God despite what I was going through. On Sept. 19,2010,not a drop of blood came out after I attended a General Intercession led by Vita Monforte. It didn't go through gradual recession, it just suddenly stopped.
One down. It took away a big load from my back. But I had other baggage with me. Adenomyosis. It’s a uterine thickening that occurs when endometrial tissue, which normally lines the uterus, moves into the outer muscular walls of the uterus. Every 4 months, I had to undergo ultrasound and every time we look at the result, there was never a good news. I already stopped believing in science that time,thus,I attempted to look for Fr. Suarez. I did go to malls twice where he gives healing mass,but it was always a failure to go near him. A large crowd gathers around him the whole day. Along those days, I was being asked to write short prayers to be featured on page 2 of the bulletin. And so, i wrote prayers including those talks on Wish. I did wished.
On Sept. 28,2010, somebody invited me to join them in an exclusive healing mass at Manila Hotel. There was not even a hundred of us there, unlike those thousands in malls. My moment came. I was standing face to face with Fr. Suarez. In Oct. 4, my doctor was asking the nurse if what she was looking at was right. It was. The doctor wrote : NORMAL FINDINGS.
A lot more of other miracles came. A lot more is being written in my heart. The Feast was how God reached out to me. I thought,it was me who will be writing about the Feast. It was the Feast who wrote what my life should be - gratitude and trust.
That's why I will never run out of things to write. Writing is how God rewrites my story the way it should be. Not with my own blood or even His blood. But with my heart and HIS.
written by Josephine Zerrudo
Makati Feaster
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