Sunday, November 6, 2011

Be a Peacemaker!

I am fascinated at how some people are peace stealers. They feel like it's their calling in life to haunt you, try to make you look bad, and tell you what you can't do. These people will try to get you into an argument to get you upset, annoyed and frustrated. Don't take the bait! Nothing is worth losing your peace over. They may think they're getting the best of you, but in the end, God can use that to take you higher. When people come against you, be a peacemaker. Choose to forgive. Pray for that person because that's your best defense. Keep the peace to disarm the enemy against you.
The Bible says your battle is not against mere flesh and blood. That person isn't your enemy; the accuser—Satan—is your enemy. He's trying to get you upset and he’ll do everything to bring you strife and division. When you choose to keep peace, when you keep walking in love and keep a smile on your face, you are overcoming his tactics and you are winning the battle. That's the secret! Today, choose peace, choose to walk in love, and choose the victory God has prepared for you!

Be a peacemaker!


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