Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.
-Psalm 34:19
What a very reassuring verse. But, reality is, no matter what assurance we get, it's never easy to go through suffering. It will forever be a mystery that we are allowed to suffer for our good. That in the ugliness of suffering we can still see something good that will come out of it.
Suffering is Christ's invitation to us to follow him. Christ goes through the passion and suffering all the way to the cross, and we are invited to follow to the same cross. Not because it is the cross, but because it is his cross. Suffering is blessed not because it is suffering but because it is his suffering. Suffering is not the context that explains the cross anymore, the cross is the context that explains suffering.
So when tragedy strikes, as I am sure it will; when suffering comes, as it will; when you’re wrestling with pain, as you will – and when you make the choice to run into His arms, here’s My prayer for you. That you’ll find peace to deal with the present, you’ll find courage to deal with your future, and you’ll find the incredible promise of eternal life in heaven.
Have a great Feast!
Everlastingly at it,
Randy Borromeo
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