A FEW months ago, I had the privilege to see the famous Twelve Apostles in Campbelle Park, Australia.
It’s a set of beautiful rock formations carved from the gorge along the coastline of Victoria. Over thousands of years, the waves crashed on the mountain’s side and eventually carved out these individually standing mini-mountains that people from all over the world have travelled thousands of miles to see.
It’s a breathtaking sight, indeed.
That’s what trials do to us.
Like waves, they crash on us painfully.
But over time they form us into beautiful works of art. Think about it — haven’t your sufferings formed you into who you are?
Aren’t you wiser, stronger, more experienced, and bolder?
You may not see it yet, but one day, people will stand in awe of your life when they witness the wonders God has done through your painful experiences.
So hold fast and don’t give up.
Your suffering is carving out a masterpiece in you.
In Him,
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