You know how kids never stop asking questions?
You give them an answer, and they follow up with, “Why?”
After you tell them why, they ask again, “Why?”
And it never ends?
It’s in our nature to be inquisitive.
As humans with free will and intellect, we need to satisfy our curiosity. I heard from a marketing guru that people aren’t interested in what, they’re interested in why.
When you sell a product, they don’t want to know what it is but why they should pay for it. Why will it benefit them. Why it will make them happy.
Today, I’ll be answering several questions about our faith. Sometimes we’re afraid to ask questions because we might seem foolish or even because we might come across as makulit.
But I’m here to tell you what I said at the beginning of this series — it’s not only our right to question our faith, it’s our responsibility.
Because when we know why we do things, why we believe in things, why we should persevere when the world tells us to give up, we will press on with fire in our heart.
Never stop asking why.
Never stop searching for answers.
Never stop challenging your faith.
Expect to walk out wiser today than when you walked in.
In Him,
George Gabriel
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