Thursday, October 20, 2011

One Big Stage

As I’m writing this, it’s May 15, 2011. The very day when, hours ago, I sang in front of a lot of people (doesn’t look so much to you, but I’m just ten).

Lots of compliments and applause came after my final note.

Yup, I should be proud. It’s not everyday that a stranger tells you “Good job! Totally talented! Such a lucky kid!” (oh, but I don’t want to flatter myself). But when I came home, after checking out my performance video (taken by none other than my horribly afraid-of-the-stage Kuya Jorem), I cried. A LOT.

Confusing? Let me explain.

You see, I’m such a perfectionist. I don’t like to admit it, maybe because I don’t know why I REALLY am crying, but when things go wrong under MY watch, I beat myself up (not literally of course, that’s  ..  
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