Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happily Desperate… (The secret of Awesomeness)

Last week’s talk opens a new series entitled “Happytudes (The secrets of a really awesome life!)”

I used to have daily huddles with my former staff. We talk about things that inspire their day. I remembered asking them this question, “What are the simple things that put a smile on their face?” I was so thrilled to know that all of them uttered very simple ones like chatting with their families, or a big bowl of home-cooked Bulalo, or having a cup of chocolate sundae. That particular moment came to mind when the video of the song “Happiness” by Charlie Brown was shown by Bro. Randy at the start of the talk. The song simply means that for people, whatever standard it may be, Happiness is about “coming home again” – experiencing simple pleasures with their loved ones.

In Beatitudes, Jesus clearly mentioned about the secret of “awesomeness.” First, He said in Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” This doesn’t mean that being happy is being financially poor. Being POOR in SPIRIT is being desperate for God.

The message is about being Mr. & Ms. Prepared – prepared to receive God’s blessings every day. We should all be that person who will ask where and how will I receive the blessing for the day. If we are too proud, we will miss the blessings. On the other hand, if we are too pitiful of our misfortunes, we will fail to see God’s goodness that might be right before our eyes.

The real essence of happiness is all about being desperate of that desire to see God’s goodness. Like the Centurion who pleaded for the life of his daughter, or the blind Bartimaeus who screamed for his cure, or the woman who bled for 12 long years who had faith to touch the hem of Jesus’ cloak, their desperations all lead to a great desire of seeking God and was able to find happiness in Him. 

Source Bulletin 
By China Barachina
Makati Feast


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