Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tithing is Giving and Receiving

We can never cheat God of the gifts that we should give Him for He is all-knowing; we cheat ourselves of the blessings that are supposed to be ours whenever we give for Him.

I will never forget these words of wisdom that I learned during the second talk of the PESOnality Series. It has reinforced my belief that God does give us what we need and that He gives us so much more when we share our blessings with Him and other people.

I was once a skeptic of tithing. I used to believe that the tithes that I give during Sunday mass were filling the pockets of corrupt people, instead of them being used to provide for the needy. We live in a corrupt political society, and that led me to believe that the same goes with the Church. But, since I  >> view complete article 


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