Monday, October 10, 2011


God wants you to live in a blessing-filled world. How?
He mentioned specific ways for you to be very blessed.

It’s called the Beatitudes. (See Matthew 5:3-12)

But I haven’t heard anyone use that word on the street lately. No one has told me, “Hey, I got promoted in my job yesterday – what a big beatitude!” Or, “Thank you, you’re such a beatitude to me.”

So I was thinking – if people don’t use the word “Beatitude” nowadays, I might as well invent another word that will capture my message: Happitudes.

What are Happytudes? They’re the Attitudes that make you Happy and Blessed. You’ll notice that these Happytudes are all about the heart. Why?

Because that’s where real success happens – in your heart.Remember: The universe is a mirror. What you see in the world is simply a reflection of your heart. Here’s my philosophy: Fix your inner universe and you’ll fix your outer universe.

There can be no outer success if there is no inner success. What will you do with a shiny BMW if your marriage is crumbling because of your pride or unforgiveness? What will you do with a job promotion if you lack peace of mind because you lack integrity?
Here are the four powerful Happytudes that will bless your life:

HAPPYTUDES :  Talk 1- Be Open, Talk 2 - Be Hopeful, Talk 3 - Be Pure, Talk 4 - Be peaceful - The Secrets Of A Really Awesome Life!

Friends, if you’re tired of pursuing outward success and want the genuine thing, get ready for Happytudes.

Bo Sanchez
PICC Feast Builder


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